With only four basic finger patterns to learn, this Stand By Me uke tutorial will be a walk in the park, even for beginners.
Written by Jay Searle / Published June 21, 2024
Last updated: June 21, 2024

An all-time classic and one of the best feel-good tunes ever composed, Stand By Me by Ben E. King is a beautiful song that is remarkably easy to play on a ukulele.
Featuring only four basic chords, including C, A Minor, F, and G, it’s a perfect tune for beginners to learn and an excellent warm-up exercise for more experienced players.
In this article, we’ll break down the Stand By Me ukulele chords one by one, show you all chord progressions used in this song, and provide you with a simple chord-over-lyrics sheet of this song, so let’s start from the top.
Download “Stand By Me” Ukulele Chord Sheet

Stand By Me Ukulele Chords Breakdown
Each chord used in the Stand By Me song can be considered an essential beginner’s uke chord. The basic variants of C, F, and G followed by A Minor are all you need to know to effortlessly play along to Ben E. King’s Stand By Me, so let us show you how they’re played.
C Chord

The ukulele chord that opens and closes Stand By Me is the C Chord—a simple combination of the notes G, C, and E played in open positions and a high C played on the third fret of the A string.
Besides being simple, this “chirpy” chord has a relatively neutral sonic signature, which allows for a range of embellishments to be inserted if you ever feel like spicing this tune up a bit.
Just follow these steps to play the C chord:
- A: Index finger on the third fret;
- E: Open;
- C: Open;
- G: Open.
A Minor Chord

The A Minor chord is a breeze to play on a ukulele. All you have to do is fret the A note on the G string and play the remaining three openly. It’s a staple uke chord commonly used as a follow-up in verses and a building block of basic bridge parts.
In the song, it appears in virtually all parts and is especially prominent in the chorus and the outro when the words “stand by me” ring out, bringing a bit of melancholy to an otherwise joyous tune.
To play the A Minor chord, follow our recommended finger positioning style:
- A: Open;
- E: Open;
- C: Open;
- G: Ring finger on the second fret.
F Chord

When played on a ukulele, the F chord can be considered an “upgrade” of the A Minor chord. It’s played almost identically, but instead of openly strumming the C, E, and A strings, you should fret the F note on the E string in the first fret position.
This “minor” detail completely changes the atmosphere the chord creates, transforming its moody character into a gentler, more “hopeful” ambient.
In the Stand By Me uke chord progressions, the A Minor chord is always followed by an F chord. That’s why we recommended fretting the E with the ring finger when playing Am so that your index finger is available to press the F note.
Follow these simple steps to pull off the F chord on your uke:
- A: Open;
- E: Index finger on the first fret;
- C: Open;
- G: Ring finger on the second fret.
G Chord

The G chord is the most “difficult” combination of notes in the Stand By Me ukulele chords. Ideally, it’s supposed to be played with three fingers for optimal tonal accuracy. Still, if you’re a beginner or simply struggling with fretting two notes on the same fret, you can hold a bar over the second fret with one finger to simultaneously press the notes D and B.
Then press the G note in the third fret position and the G string openly, and voila, you’ve learned how to play the G chord:
- A: Middle finger on the second fret;
- E: Ring finger on the third fret;
- C: Index finger on the second fret;
- G: Open;
G Chord Alternative: G7 Chord

The G7 chord fits the Stand By Me as much as the standard G chord. If you ever feel like changing your routine a bit, you can switch the high G note with an F on the same string. All other notes are the same, so just follow these steps to play it:
- A: Middle finger on the second fret;
- E: Ring finger on the first fret;
- C: Index finger on the second fret;
- G: Open;
Stand By Me Ukulele Chord Progression
The official version of Ben E. King’s Stand By Me features other instruments with a bit different roles; the bass has a small solo part, the light orchestra parts fade in and out at times, but the guitar parts are more or less the same throughout the tune.
This is a remarkably simple song, not only because it features only four chords but also because they’re played in the same order from start to finish. In other words, there is only one chord progression – the C, Am, F, G.
Feel free to change out the standard G with a G7 chord.
Stand By Me Recommended Strumming Patterns
The simple D-DU-UDU pattern is the easiest and most intuitive way to play the song on the ukulele. Repeat it every four bars, and you’ll hit all the markers, stay on the right notes, and remain in the correct tempo.
However, if you want to follow the original bassline and vocal parts, you’ll need to add a few ghost notes between each bar (X): D-XU-XDU.
- D: Downward strum;
- U: Upward strum;
- X: Ghost notes.
Wrapping Up
A song as easy as Stand By Me can be an invaluable asset to your arsenal, whether you’re playing at a party, performing for your friends, or simply practicing basic chords. We hope that this guide helped you learn to perform all the Stand By Me ukulele chords and sing along to this gorgeous tune.
Stand By Me Chord-Over-Lyrics
When the night has come,
Am Am
And the land is dark.
And the moon is the
Only light we’ll see.
No, I won’t be afraid,
Am Am
No, I won’t be afraid,
Just as long as you
Stand, stand by me, so darling, darling
Stand by me,
Oh, stand by me,
Oh, stand, stand by me,
Stand by me.
If the sky that we look upon,
Am Am
Should tumble and fall,
Or the mountains,
Should crumble to the sea.
I won’t cry, I won’t cry
Am Am
No, I won’t shed a tear
Just as long as you
Stand, stand by me, so darling, darling
Stand by me,
Oh, stand by me,
Oh, stand, stand by me,
Stand by me.

Jay Searle
Website Founder & WriterJay is a self-professed music nerd and ukulele lover. When not working on the website you’ll find him strumming along to his favorite tunes, spending time with his family, or learning to play the piano.