Most people would say that the Dm ukulele chord is pretty easy and we can all agree. But, we say it also depends on the type of ukulele you are using or the kind of sound you aim for, so hear us out.
Written by Jay Searle / Published November 11, 2022
Last updated: April 05, 2024

Chord diagrams for the Dm ukulele chord with suggested fingerings and variations are shown below:

The more melancholy cousin of the D Major chord, D Minor, will help you develop your repertoire as a player. We are going to walk you through absolutely everything you need to know about playing the Dm ukulele chord.
So, let’s have a bit of a closer look at what makes up the D minor chord, where it comes from, and how to play it.
MORE CHORDS: Learn how to play more ukulele chords here.
What Notes Are In the Dm Ukulele Chord?
The D Minor chord is made up of three notes, namely D, F, and A. These notes are taken from the D Minor scale. They are the first, third, and fifth notes of the scale and together they make up the minor triad. It is important to note that the third is a minor third. This is important when you relate the D minor scale to its major scale. In D major, the third (or major third) is F#. As you can see, D Minor uses F natural, which is a semi tone below F#. The F in the case of the D minor chord is also referred to as the flat third.

Like most chords, there are a number of different ways to voice this on the ukulele. Which way you choose will depend on your experience and what sound you are aiming for. If you’re a total beginner, check out our ukulele chord fundamentals article for more info.
How Do You Play a Dm Ukulele Chord?
One of several different ways to play the D minor chord is to start in the open position. This means that you make use of open strings that are not necessarily pressed down on the fretboard.
So, let’s have a look at D Minor in this position. Ukuleles are typically tuned G (4th string), C (3rd string), E (2nd string) and A on the 1st string. It’s important to note though, that, unlike the guitar, the 4th string is not your lowest tone, that is the C or 3rd string on a ukulele. This is because most ukuleles use re-entrant tuning where the 4th string is tuned up an octave.

Dm Ukulele Chord Variations
Next, we’ll look at playing the D Minor chord in different positions of the ukulele. As we move up the fretboard, the order in which we play the notes will change, giving the chord a slightly different sound depending on which note is in the bass. It’s important to note that we are still playing the same notes – that is D, F, and A – just in different orders on the strings.
We’ll show you a few different variations for playing D Minor, but this list is not at all exhaustive. Once you know your way around the fretboard, it’s possible to come up with your own shapes and fingerings for any chord!
Dm Ukulele Chord Variation No. 1
Another way to play D Minor chord is to move your fretting hand right up the fretboard. We are going all the way to the 5th fret. Here we are going to use an index finger to barre the chord. This might feel a little uncomfortable at first, but it does come with practice, I promise. Which chord voicing you ultimately use is up to your own hands and ears.

Dm Ukulele Chord Variation No. 2
The third way to play the D minor chord moves us back down to the second fret. This position makes getting our fingers around the chord possibly a little more tricky. In this version, we are still going to barre the chord, but this time with the pinky finger. So instead of that barre with the index finger, this version allows for those of us who really like a challenge to exercise that pinky dexterity.

I hope that makes the D minor a little less of a major problem to wrap your head and your fingers around. Sometimes, though, I find it helps to have a look at how someone else does it. For a great instructional on all things, D minor head over to Ukulele Tricks’ D Minor video here.
How to Play the Dm Chord on a Baritone Uke
Don’t worry, you know we wouldn’t forget the baritone players out there.
The baritone is tuned d-G-B-E. That means that in order to play the Dm chord (D–F–A)on a baritone ukulele you will have to change where the fingers go again.
Have a look at the diagram below to see how to play the D Minor in the open position on the baritone ukulele.

To get a really great explanation of all things minor on the baritone ukulele, have a look at Abigail Flowers’ video on minor chords. You will be making your baritone gently weep in no time.
What Songs Use the Dm Ukulele Chord?
There is such a wealth of music written in minor keys. Pretty much every heartbreak song is going to have the mournful melancholy of the minor key.
A really great place to start exercising your new D minor skills is with a track by none other than Taylor Swift. In this tutorial, Abby Lyons walks you through how to play Taylor’s Carolina. The chords used are Am–G–Dm–C, with a strumming pattern that is not too challenging.
Open your ears to the way sad songs are constructed and you will start to hear a lot of minor changes. Keep playing and have fun experimenting with the Dm chord on ukulele!

Jay Searle
Website Founder & WriterJay is a self-professed music nerd and ukulele lover. When not working on the website you’ll find him strumming along to his favorite tunes, spending time with his family, or learning to play the piano.