The Moon River ukulele chords aren’t as complicated to play despite the song’s orchestral background. This article shows you how.
Written by Jay Searle / Published August 16, 2024
Last updated: August 14, 2024

Moon River is a gorgeous, emotional tune most of us know from Audrey Hepburn’s performance in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.” Originally arranged for an orchestra, playing Moon River on a ukulele is perfectly viable if you know the chords, so there is no need to worry.
That’s why we’re here with a comprehensive breakdown of Moon River ukulele chords. We’ll dissect all core chords that you need to know to play Moon River, so let’s begin.
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Moon River Ukulele Chords Breakdown
Orchestral scores and compositions are rarely easy, and Moon River isn’t an exception. Fortunately, Henry Mancini, the composer of this original tune, strived to create a simple composition. He even said he spent only 30 minutes making Moon River.
Even so, this tune consists of 10 chords, including A Minor, A7, B7, C, C Minor, D7, E Minor, E Minor 7, G, and G7.
A Minor

One of the easiest Moon River ukulele chords, the A Minor chord, makes brief appearances in the last lines of the verse parts. Simply press the second fret of the G string and leave the strings C, E, and A open to play it.

Another very straightforward uke chord, the A7, appears precisely twice in Moon River. Similarly to A Minor, it’s also featured in the closing lines of the first and second verses. Leave the G, E, and A strings open, and press the first fret of the C string to pull this chord off.

One of the two intermediate-level ukulele chords in Moon River, the B7 chord is featured thrice in this song. It’s always the “closer” of the second line, regardless of which part it appears in.
To play this chord, put a bar chord over the second fret position of your ukulele using your index finger and press the third fret on the C string. If you’re having trouble doing this, you may want to try using a ukulele capo.
C Chord

Moon River is largely based on the standard C Chord, as it appears in virtually every part multiple times. Its soothing, mildly melancholic properties are perfect for the snowy atmosphere of this arrangement, and it’s as easy to play as Am or A7. Leave the G, C, and E strings open, and press the third fret of the A string to learn this chord.
C Minor

The C Minor chord appears in all parts except for the refrain exactly once. Even though it’s quite different from the C chord in terms of both feel and sound, it’s easy to confuse one with the other. Instead of fretting only the third fret of the A string, press a bar chord over the C, E, and A strings while leaving the G string open.

The D7 chord is the second “intermediate level” chord, but only if you’re a complete beginner or have very short fingers. It revolves around pressing a bar chord over the second fret on the G, C, and E strings and pressing the third fret on the A string. Don’t confuse it with B7, as their finger positioning shapes are exceptionally similar.
E Minor

This song uses the E Minor chord just as frequently as the C chord. It’s famous for its staircase playing shape that begins on the second fret of the A string and slowly descends to the third fret of the E string and the fourth fret of the C string. Like in most Moon River ukulele chords, the G string is open.
E Minor 7

The easiest way to memorize when you should use the E minor 7 instead of the E minor is by keeping tabs on where you are in the song. It only appears in the last lines of the verses, and it’s quite easy to play. Press the second fret position of the C and A strings while leaving the G and E strings open to play it.
G Chord

The G Chord opens the Moon River. It’s just a tad more complex than Am, A7, or C, but it can still pass for a beginner-level uke chord. Form a bar chord over the second fret while leaving the G string open, and press the third fret of the E string. It sounds more complex than it is, so give it a try.

The finger positioning shape of G7 is a mirror image of the G chord. Instead of pressing the third fret of the E string, press the first fret while everything else stays the same.
Moon River Ukulele Chords and Lyrics Sheet
G Em C G
Moon River wider than a mile,
C G Am B7
I’m crossing you in style someday.
Em7 G7 C Cm
Oh dream maker, you heart breaker,
Em7 A7 Am D7
Wherever you’re going, I’m going your way.
G Em C G
Two drifters off to see the world,
C G Am B7
There’s such a lot of world to see.
Em Em7 Cm G
We’re after the same rainbows’ end.
Waiting ‘round the bend,
My huckleberry friend.
Em Am D7 G
Moon River, and me.
Em7 G7 C Cm
Oh dream maker, you heart breaker,
Em7 A7 Am D7
Wherever you’re going, I’m going your way.
G Em C G
Two drifters off to see the world,
C G Am B7
There’s such a lot of world to see.
Em Em7 Cm G
We’re after the same rainbows’ end.
Waiting ‘round the bend,
My huckleberry friend.
Em Am D7 G
Moon River, and me.
Final Thoughts
Moon River is only challenging if you don’t know the song. Keep listening to it, and you’ll gradually notice patterns that repeat. Use our guide to learn the Moon River ukulele chords, and exercise patience while covering it.

Jay Searle
Website Founder & WriterJay is a self-professed music nerd and ukulele lover. When not working on the website you’ll find him strumming along to his favorite tunes, spending time with his family, or learning to play the piano.